Anne Frank Quotes about dreams and life

Anne Frank Quotes about dreams and life

Anne Frank Quotes about dreams and life – Anne Frank was brought into the world on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, however her family before long moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands to get away from the rising separation and brutality looked by a great many minorities because of the developing Nazi party. After large number of Jews had to escape their homes or self-isolate, Anne’s family crawled under a rock in 1942, in a mystery add-on in her dad’s place of business to keep away from mistreatment.

Anne Frank Quotes about dreams and life – Over the accompanying 25 months in stowing away, Anne composed a genuine record of teen life in the mystery add-on. In one of the extracts Google has shown, Anne says, “I feel like a warbler whose wings have been ripped off and who continues to hurt itself against the bars of its dull enclosure.”

Anne Frank Quotes about dreams and life –“Celebrating 75 years of the distribution of Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl, the present Doodle includes genuine selections from her journal, which depicts what she and her loved ones experienced in stowing away for more than two years. This has been shown through a progression of liveliness.

Anne Frank Quotes


“In spite of everything

I still believe that people

Are really good at heart.

I simply can’t build up

My hopes on a foundation

Consisting of confusion,

Misery and death.”


“Laziness may appear attractive,

But work gives satisfaction.”

“Think of all the beauty

Still left around

You and be happy.”


“Whoever is happy will?

Make others happy too.”

“Who would ever think?

That so much went

On in the soul of a

Young girl?”

“Women should be respected

As well! Generally speaking,

Men are held in great esteem

In all parts of the world, so why

Shouldn’t women have their share?


Soldiers and war heroes are

Honored and commemorated,

Explorers are granted immortal

Fame, martyrs are revered, but

How many people look upon?

Women too as soldiers?”

– Anne Frank


“Whoever doesn’t know it?

Must learn and find by

Experience that ‘a quiet

Conscience makes

One strong!’”


“We all live with the objective

Of being happy;

Our lives are all different

And yet the same.”


“If I read a book that impresses me,

I have to take myself

Firmly by the hand,

Before I mix with other people;

Otherwise they would think

My mind rather queer.”


“I soothe my conscience now

With the thought that it is better

For hard words to be on paper

Than that Mummy should

Carry them in her heart.”


“I simply can’t build my hopes

On a foundation of confusion,

Misery and death… I think…

Peace and tranquility

Will return again.”


Anne frank Motivational quotes


“Despite everything,

I believe that people

Are really good at heart.”

– Anne Frank


“How wonderful it is that

Nobody need wait a single

Moment before starting to

Improve the world.”

– Anne Frank


“How wonderful it is that

Nobody need wait a single

Moment before starting

To improve the world.”

– Anne Frank


“Think of all the beauty

Still left around you

And be happy.”

– Anne Frank


“Laziness may appear

Attractive, but work

Gives satisfaction.”

– Anne Frank


The Diary of Anne Frank Quotes


“In spite of everything

I still believe that people

Are really good at heart.

I simply can’t build up my

Hopes on a foundation

Consisting of confusion,

Misery and death.”


– Anne Frank

“How wonderful it is that

Nobody need wait a single

Moment before starting

To improve the world.”


“No one has ever

Become poor

By giving.”


“Writing in a diary is a

Really strange experience

For someone like me.

Not only because I’ve never

Written anything before, but

Also because it seems to me

That later on neither I nor

Anyone else will be interested

In the musings of a thirteen-year

Old school girl. Oh well,

It doesn’t matter.

I feel like writing.”

– Anne Frank


“We aren’t allowed to

Have any opinions.

People can tell you to

Keep your mouth shut,

But it doesn’t stop you

Having your own opinion.

Even if people are still

Very young, they shouldn’t

Be prevented from saying

What they think.”

– Anne Frank

 Inspirational and Famous Anne Frank Quotes


“We all live with the objective

Of being happy;

Our lives are all different

And yet the same.”


“I soothe my conscience now

With the thought that it is better

For hard words to be on paper

Than that Mummy should

Carry them in her heart.”


“I simply can’t build my hopes

On a foundation of confusion,

Misery and death… I think…

Peace and tranquility

Will return again.”


“Parents can only give

Good advice or put them

On the right paths,

But the final forming of

A person’s character lies

In their own hands.”

– Anne Frank


“The best remedy for

Those who are afraid,

Lonely or unhappy is to

Go outside, somewhere

Where they can be quiet,

Alone with the heavens,

Nature and God. Because

Only then does one feel that

All is as it should be.”

– Anne Frank


Anne Frank life Quotes  


“It’s difficult in times like these:

Ideals, dreams and cherished

Hopes rise within us, only to be

Crushed by grim reality. It’s a

Wonder I haven’t abandoned

All my ideals, they seem so

Absurd and impractical.

Yet I cling to them because

I still believe, in spite of everything,

That people are truly good at heart.”

– Anne Frank


“What is done cannot

Be undone, but one can

Prevent it happening again.”

– Anne Frank


“I don’t think of all the

Misery but of the beauty

That still remains.”

– Anne Frank

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